The Stuart Hall Archive is held at the Cadbury Research Library. Consisting of 89 boxes, containing representative material—in the form of papers, including unpublished reports, essays, scripts and speeches; teaching material; correspondence; editorial material; notes; ephemera and cuttings; and both audio recordings and video cassettes; covering a period from c.1950 to c.2010—the archive is a unique resource.
The following periods are well represented:
c.1956¬–1962: during which Hall was an editor of the Universities and Left Review and subsequently New Left Review, and contributed to the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) [9 boxes]

c.1968¬–1979: during which Hall was Acting and then Director of the Birmingham Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies (CCCS) [13 boxes]
c.1979¬–1997: during which Hall was Professor of Sociology at the Open University – much of the material from this period is audio-visual in nature [7 boxes, 6 of which contain magnetic tapes – audio and audio-visual]
A very large amount of the material (50 boxes) remains unsorted, with drafts of published and unpublished essays and books; teaching syllabi and lectures; academic and public talks; and correspondence that relate to all of the periods set out above and later.
The current finding aid for Stuart Hall’s papers can be found here.
A related set of materials held at the Cadbury Research Library is the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies (CCCS) Archive. Stuart Hall joined the Centre at its founding when Richard Hoggart was Director. After Hoggart’s departure in 1970, Hall became Director until 1979 when he went to the Open University. The CCCS Archive contains papers from staff (including Hall) and former students, as well as interviews and material produced by the AHRC funded ‘CCCS: 50 years on’ research project, led by Professor Matthew Hilton with Dr Kieran Connell. To see the finding aid for these materials, click here.
A bibliography of Stuart Hall’s published works can be found on the Stuart Hall Foundation website. In addition to the bibliography, the Stuart Hall Foundation site contains a large quantity of material reflecting on Hall’s life and works, and his legacies for the present. Supporting an international network of research scholars and fellows, the Foundation provides a public programme of events throughout the year.
The Selected Writings of Stuart Hall, under the General Editorship of Catherine Hall and Bill Schwarz are published by Duke University Press.